i need to unlock my samsung cell phone. how do i get free unlock codes?
I longing free samsung unlock codes.
I have a samsung c416 cell phone and i need the puk2 unlock code samsung and carrier wont give them out?
Does anyone know the Unlock code for a Samsung D807 Cell phone from Cingular??
Does anyone understand the Unlock code for a Samsung D807 Cell phone from Cingular?? Need Help to Unlock my cell phone.
Does anyone know the unlock code for a samsung T729 cell phone.?
T-Mobile it has a chip however the phone is asking me for the a passcode. I don't know if the phone is lock or the sim card is locked.
Code to unlock AT&T Samsung A707 cell phone?
She purchased a contemporary 'unlocked' Samsung A707 thru ebay, however when we got the phone, assign her sim card in and turn it on it goes thru the opening screens however then to a screen thats says 'phone lock' with a picture of ! a lock and an area to enter a 4 to 8 diget password. Any help will be greatly appreciated! My daughter got her cell call stolen at school.
Cell Phone - Samsung SGH-X427 Unlock Code or master Reset?
Ok, so a loooong time ago i had that phone, and chose a password for it. Ever time i push # it says taht the password is extremely shortI dispassionate need a code to over guide the password. Anyone notice what to do?! The ring says "phone locked enter password?" so idk what to do. Thanks hmmm, that didn't attempt. Well its been a while and i don't remember the password X_X I know its not the default 8 zeros(00000000) nevertheless i don't know what it isso provided someone could help me out here, i need a unlock edict or proficient reset.
how to unlock my samsung m520 cell phone?
I emailed him, but he is in training. I bought the m520 from a friend that is being deployed, he forgot to unlock the telephone. Is there any de! fault codes I can call to unlock it.
how can unlock samsung phone?
I have SGH - T809 how can i unlock my samsung cell telephone What is the unlock code.
whats the code to unlock the A920 SAMSUNG cell phone?
cell phone unlocking codes?
Do anybody sense the unlocking codes on a samsung a670 cell phones or codes .
Are u on post paid,or prepaid subscription? you will be needing hte paper that came along with your simyou will have there the puk2it is not with samsung or with your phone carrier.
I entertain you a good website.
Yes you must contact T-Mobile, dont enter chance numbers!!.
I keep T-mobile and when i wanted to unlock my phone so my colleague with cingular could avail it all i did was call t-mobile customer service and they dispassionate sent me the code within a infrequent hours. It was very easy. Im not sure provided Samsung does the corresponding concern but its worth a try. Do not just start randomly putting codes in! My moron acquaintance construct away the hard wa! y that provided he put the wrong decree in more than 10 times it equal locked up the whole telephone and I had to yield it into a T-Mobile store to place it.
Maybe these codes will work in resetting the phone: *2767*2878# or *2767*3855# or #*7337# -- If these dont work that you know what to do.
Contact the original provider for the phone and ask them for the principle its FREE that way. You can always type in subsidy unlock code in a search engine and asset some pay for it sites.
If all else fails ring the nearest store. Did you try the last four numbers in the phone number.

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