Will Samsung SGH-P850 work in Mexico?
Com nevertheless am still waiting for their reply; apparently theyâve ignored my online question . I animate in Europe and have a Samsung SGH-P850 mobile phone; it is what they telephone Tri Band (GSM 900 + 1800 + 1900 MHz); soon I'll animation to Mexico. BTW, I sent the identical dispute quite long ago to samsungmobile. Would it be possible to rent a simcard locally (in Mexico), insert in my phone and will it automatically switch to the local frequency (1900 MHz) and elbow grease ok? Thanks a loot for any advice(s.
Will mobile phone be able to call the US from another country?
His phone is a Nokia 6133 which is a quad band and mine is a Samsung T-209 which is a tri-band. Let me know of your experiences with this. I retain a T-Mobile plan which we artisan. Being on the GSM network which I heard is used almost exclusively in Europe it shouldn't be a headache. Just a quick question. My son is taking a t! rip overseas (Germany) for a vacation and I was wondering if he would be able to call me here in the US and vise versa.
Would a US phone work in Europe?
I was wondering provided this type of phone would exertion in Ukraine with a UMC or Kievstar sim card. I recognize that there are definite types of phones that work in Europe provided you excite another sim card. I have a T-Mobile Samsung sgh t809 with a sim card. 05A" I've heard from some tribe that my telephone might be 'locked' and i wont be able to convenience other sim cards, can someone please give me the regulation to unlock it or tell me where it might be done (for free, please. I don't know provided it will assist, but the sim card that's in it right now says "8901 2605 1003 1938 123 37.
Cell phone use in Europe?
I have T-mobile and a samsung T629 phone. Will they charge me extra or the duplicate in that i have an international deal. Im travelin! g to Spain and I craving to know if I can use my cell call to bell the states when im over there.
would this phone work in europe?
(if the plan / # is from the US.
Anyone own and using the Samsung Soul U900 phone in the USA?
Is the call quality congenial? Camera good? Any annoying flaws that are deal-breakers for you? Much thanks for ANY help! I want to possibly get an unlocked one for cause here in Minnesota with T-Mobile service. I heard that it's bands don't work as fresh here as in Europe.
the BEST mobile phone you think is?
Please a little avail would complete! So what do you propose?? Any ring that looks like his or any phone that u personally REALLY love?? In Nokia or Sony Erricson or any. You can suggest me many Lol. We want to pay for two, one we've choosed is Samsung D900. But we can only asset it in Japan or Africa now. And now we're reallyyyy confused about the other, fundamental we wanted to obtain Sony Erricson V800. Well my Mother and I want to get a cutting edge mobi! le phone. Other than samsung cos we're already buying one (unless you absolutely allied one in Samsung it's ok. Not in Europe anymore, there's one shot the Sony Erricson Z800, and I didnt yearning to acquire it cos its not black and I want a telephone that sort of looks conforming Cloud Strife's mobile call in FF7.
Why is US lagging behind in Cell Phone technology?
People have yet fitter mobile phones. I was looking at european websites, they already retain still better ambulatory phones available to consumers than in US. In Europe, India, Japan, etc. Its the corresponding companies nokia, samsung, motorola, etc. How come their dewy product launch in US is so much delayed.
Anyone else fed up with verizon's phones?
At that time, apart Cingular had it. I had a Nokia camera phone that I was very joyful with, and I hated how I had to move a cutting edge bell when I switched to Verizon from the elderly AT&T when they were ! bought out by SunCom. I waited for over 2 yrs then they finally got it, but promptly I want the RIZR from Motorola and peerless T mobile has it. I hate this. When I went with Verizon, they didn't carry the phone I really wanted, the Samsung slide-up. I wanted to keep my ancient phone, on the contrary no. 2) You can't call your existing cell phone when switching to Verizon. That was the ahead strike against them in my jotter. OK, maybe it's just me, but I've been a Verizon customer for honest a few years now and I absoultely hate them. Here are my reasons: 1) CDMA older technology. 3) Cell ring choices. While the rest of the US and many other countries including Europe, have moved on to the GSM network/technology, Verzion insists on using CDMA, thereby severely restricting the particular cell phone you can have.
Moving to UK. Can I keep my cingular phone?
I'm moving to he UK, however I wish to garner my cingular bell. It's a samsung c417 and does chore in Europe. I know Virgin mobile sells SIM card! s, but would they functioning.
Yes, phone your call society and tell them you are going antecedent besides turn on bell roaming.
Here are links to else info. Since T-Mobile is a German company, it should work.
If you have had your account in deluxe standing for 90 days, you simply call T-Mobile and they will administer you the unlock code free. All GSM phones from T-Mobile come locked. The T809 from T-mobile will work fine with a UMC or Kyivstar sim card, provided you get your bell unlocked.
T expressive will work all over Europe BUT it will price you crowded extent.
It shoul work, but it will hold to connesct to diff cell tower, which means you might be charged with roming charges.
After playing with this fone a sporadic times, i could tell there werent any major flaws. 0 megapixel, which is indubitable actual very good. The phone quality is pretty acceptable, i had to borrow his fone a few times. My friend has this in Arizona.
If! you comparable your phones gadgety then the Nokia N80 and N95 (dont know if its absent here yet) and the XDA Orbit (from O2) are good onesthe XDA's a PDA though, and since it dosnt have a numberpad so it can get annoying when production calls.
Alot of this is changing as the FCC auctioned off a total slew of 3G spectrum which T-Mobile and others bought up, on the contrary in other countries, there is either A) Less congestion and the same bigness of spectrum to go around, ergo can support more growth B) in many cases there is less land area to cover, i. Because we retain such strict rules and regulations by the FCC, alot of the companies commensurate T-Mobile, suffer from a lack of adequate spectrum to support network growth. A large problem that has plagued the US is also availability of spectrum. Japan, uk, germany, so the cost to roll out dissimilar products is cheaper, as there are fewer cell sites to upgrade C) Many US companies have users locked into contracts, and accomplish not have as still incentive to stay bleeding wrin! kle, being they have a decided magnitude of guaranteed users, where in japan and the uk and other places prepaid ambulatory phone plans are the majority, and companies must stay bleeding edge, or else risk prompt loss of customers.
Verizon is the isolated service provider I have used for cell phones, and I have had a cell phone owing to 1995. The apart ground I garner using them (for at once!) is that all of my family uses them, so I can phone them anytime for free. I bonanza that they are REALLY expensive--both phones and calling plans--and good enough, the phone selection is limited. I don't know a lot about the technology, so I can't comment on that angle.
You will condign need to buy a sim card from here and change to one of the networks here. If it's unlocked and works in Europe, then you should be able to capitalization it in UK.

Their capacity ranges form 16mb to 1gb, mobile phone picture messaging, what are the connectivity holes in my network, this is true wireless communication, more of a problem for the gents i course.
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