How can I set up my samsung mobile phone to let me download e-mails from my yahoo account?
Does anyone understand the correct settings to impress this to commission? I have tried to set up my samsung g800 to download my e-mails from my yahoo account using what I believe to be the correct settings but when I try to download I get an error message saying "Yahoo:DNS failed".
Help with the newest E-900 Samsung T-mobile cell phone....?
My services are wound up T-Mobile who can't cooperation me troubleshut the bell. I bought this new E-900 Samsung cell bell which does not properly work here, I can not receive images or pictures and cannot go online. If I endeavor to go online it tell's me to "locate WAP" T-Mobile does not base this phone yet, it is the very new style.
Replacement battery cover for Samsung E 330 mobile phone?
Where can I get a replacement without having to shop for the full situation? I obtain bro! ken the battery cover of my Samsung E 330.
how can I send a picture from my e-mail to a suncom mobile phone, samsung SGH-X496?
I forgot the password to my T-Mobile Phone (Samsung E-630)?
However, it's been a uncommon years by reason of I have switched services over to Verizon Wireless, and I have no network service with T-Mobile anymore. I simply want to perceive how to light this password lock on this phone. Are there any ways to retrieve the password on the ring? I own heard that sending #PWD# (#793#) can reset the password to the last four digits of your phone number. Also, the password is a part of the privacy setting in the phone, so I don't think T-Mobile has anything to do with this dilemma. Lastly, resetting the phone would defeat the calculation of unlocking "My Photos" when the reset deletes all paragraph in my ring. A sporadic days ago, I found an old mobile call of mine (Samsung E-630) and was appropriate happy b! ecause I had a collection of memorable photos inside it. But I wasn't able to open "My Photos" because I had previously put a privacy password on it. Please help and thank you in advance for all your time and supply! Response to Sean F: I hope I made it clear to everyone that I know requesting cure from T-Mobile is not an option, in that I don't have their function anymore. But thank you for your fling to advice anyways.
Samsung E-250 Mobile Phone Question...?
How act you send MMS messages with it? Hello, My wife has a Samsung E-250 mobile, but we cant get it to send picture messages or other multi-media messages. If she tries to dispatch a picture note, she gets the "unknown subscriber" message, and the MMS memo is not sent. It sends text messages, but nothing else. How determine you set the phone up for MMS messaging? Its on vodafone. Can anyone help???.
When the Samsung E-840 mobile phone was marketed? What is its current rating?
I have a Samsung U900 SOUL mobile phone,! can u tell me possibly wot platform it uses i.e java/symbian downloads
Do I have to search java downloads or symbian, if so which series? I know that its not a smartphone so which platform is it.
samsung mobile phone help?
I have a samsung sgh-g600 and is on orange sim card. I went to the shop and bought a £5 orange e-voucher. When i got home i got my phone rang the numeral to top-up my phone and it said ermengcey calls only and under my background it said regional function what does it mean.
I have a samsung E-370 mobile phone ,can anyone tell me how to use the caller i.d on it.?
I haul a photo then go onto caller id and it says goose egg please can anyone help.
I'd ask your network provided there are any restrictions on your tariff. Blackberry's generally have 2 tariff options, one for data one (emails/www only) and besides that plus voice/text allowance. Because you can account a lot of bandwidth, this is either not all! owed or you pay ended the nose. You may further need to be deposit onto a special 'data' tariff, for which you pay more. I had this problem:As I'm on a pay-as you-go 'bell, am not allowed to do this, still though the handset allows it and has a menu possibility. You would also need the IP address (possibly already on the 'phone), the POPP settings etc, which they may also be able to provide.
Service provider seems 2 b your problem.
You will bargain one for about a fiver on ebay. Plenty to choose from. I got my dad a new battery but his was LG.
If you own data cable and call suite on your computer, plug in phone and download picture to telephone, simple. Exact opposite to phone to pc.
Hi, I just bought an E250 on saturday there, and sent my first MMS this afternoon and it was ok. Sometimes you obtain to set your phone up to enable it to correspondence and corral MMS messages. It's a bit of a pain, but provided you go to the Vodafone website there should be a bit on it that gives you details ! on how to accomplish this. It will grill you for your figure and will send the settings to your phone enabling you to applicability the MMS feature. I'm on T-Mobile though. If this doesn't work, give them a call or take it into your resident Vodafone shop.
It does support Java MIDP 2. 0 so look for that beneficent of games. Samsung U900 Soul is NOT a Symbian OS powered telephone.
Limited Service normally means that the ring is barred by the network. Take the phone back to where you bought it at the moment.
I aspiration to find out! ;-. To good buy the photos you have took you must go onto IMAGE AND THEN PHOTOS.

While providing the best performance, mobile phone picture messaging, each method has it's own costs or in order to use ras from a remote location or google sms also does calculations.
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