SAMSUNG U600 does anyone have the pink phone? if not give your opinion on the phone please?
Want to move it on t mobile. I live in england and i was just wondering provided you posses the pink u600 that is only available in the carphone warehouse at the moment and do you think the colour is good and bring about you deem the actual phone is good very. Is that a good motile company to energy with.
Should i get a pink samsung u600...?
Should i??? heres a pic. Ive been offered a pink samsung u600 with a contract worth £30pm cos my dad works with mobile phones and there is this proposition at his association thing is im a 15 year old boy.
new mobile phone help ?
Im thinking of buying a different mobile phone on the contrary i terminology decide between the current samsung pink u600 or the new samsung d900i sweet please help.
Hello People Can You Please Help Me? Please Come to This Question Thank You xxxxx?
Now that i have y! our attenition can you please help me? Well i'm wanting a new mobile phone nevertheless everywhere i go to look for one there either too expensive or is a contract phone! Can you comfort me to look for a Pink Samsung U600 mobile phone? i was thinking of the price being about £120 or less! (For people in America thats about. $250) But i would appreciate it provided you could tell me where to glom in the UK! If you can Provide me with a link that would be great! Please star this Question thank you!!! xxxxxxxx Here is a picture of what the ring looks allied >> (click on the link.
Can I Cancel an Upgrade of a Contract Phone after being Mis-sold?
After going to our limited department they said that they posses only ever had 1 of the pink phones on account of it launched because it is such a small department and it is highly unlikely they will get another one. Saturday afternoon I was habituated an upgrade by Phones 4 U on my t-mobile flext contract in ! the Brighton branch which is 30 mins from where I live. They also said there would be a pink one on the coming delivery to brighton and they would send it to worthingwas there? No So away weve got a silver phone we dont want and a contract for another 12 months what can I do? Also we asked approximately cancelling and and they said no you cant cancel an upgraded contract. I make-believe it perfectly clear that I wanted a PINK samsung U600 and after signing for the contract the salesperson informed us that they only had a silver one in stock but that if we take the silver phone into our resident department they will swap it for a pink one for us. This is worthy although slightly annoyed at being mis-sold the silver telephone.
Mobile Phone, don't know which one to choose?
He didn't fix a budget but I was thinking something below GBP 70. Samsung J700 . So here are the options:- 1. Hello all, I have just graduated and my boyfriend wants to acquire me a mobile phone as present. I don't thirst an expensive on! e because I think it is sweet that he's offered one and I don't want to revenue advantage of it.
SAMSUNG U600 opinions please?
Is it a good phone pros and cons 4. What bring about you think the best mobile company is for contract and/or pay as you go (I aware in england) sorry for all those questions nevertheless it would really help thanks. Do you think i've left it besides overdue to get the phone, should i look for something new 3. Has anyone got the u600 in pink? 2.
Phone help (t-mobile)?
Hello you guys. Ive heard capital matters about it, howeveris there any way t-mobile can pay for some of it, cuz my telephone is dying without abusing it or whatever. We don't need our contract extended so i am going with choice 1 however even the basic phones are near 100 bucks. Its exact pretty and im going to direct it for a while. I demand to buy the samsung u600. I took it to the tmobile and they said that i have two options be! cause it is over the 1 year warranty extension where i would ethical get the exact same phone complimentary 1) pay invoice price on any phone and dependable switch sim cards 2) keep my dad who is the primary get the phone with a partial discount (about 50 bucks) BUT will have contract long a YEAR. I have been with t-mobile for over 2 senescence. THEY should at least pay for some portion of it without the contract exceeding facts from people who drudge with t-mobile is appreciated. I have a pink razr conscientious promptly and it is starting to die.
LG shine, samsung u600, sony ericsson w580i??? asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Which expressive phone should i buy??? ahhhhh its either the sony ericsson w580i in pink which looks realli nice and has that super coldish thing wher u can shake it and the song changes but some nation are sayin that it freezes often. Or theres th LG shine which is perfect for me now it doubles as a cosmetics mirror!!!! please type these in on google and help me!!!! pleeeeaaassse!!! Then theres the samsung u600 in p! urple that look really funky but it breaks quite easily.
I need help with choosing a new mobile phone!?
Could anyone impart me which phone to pep for, or provided you have had/got theses phones to broadcast me what you esteem of them. I've heard that samsungs are good phones. So I was thinking of getting the samsung G600, which has a 5mp camera or the samsung U600, which has a 3 mp camerea but is cheaper. I'm looking for a decent, practical still trendy phone! - HAS to be either pink or purple! -have a exceptional camerea, through a take a lot of pictures! so I would assert 3-5mp camera, 5mp ideally! - video -bluetooth -radio -mp3 player -has to be cheap, not too pricey. Then that would be colossal, Thanks guys! . Around £60-£70. I have some ideas but I due need to understand what you fancy and whether they would be capital phones or not.
I think its first-class, though I own complains on the touch sensitive keys. It is available in b! lack, but I have no conception approximately the pink version. For a review try this site. I have held one in a samsung demo booth here in the Philippines. (the right and left softkeys and the correspondence and foot buttons) But I believe that it is accessible to adjust to once you're used to it.
Look at a deviating ring and don't put yourself fini that! The phone I have no is el-cheapo and it works 10 billion times better than the best Samsung. My mom and I, and all our friends all had to switch because they got so frustrating. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Samsung is THE WORST cell phone company elsewhere there! There phones are CRAP.
D900i all the more better phone.
OK i have the samsung u600 on the contrary it's black not pink!!.
Tell them what happened and threaten to leave them much if you have to terminate your contract provided they don't play ball with you. They'd rather help you and keep you as opposed to ignore you and lose possibly elderliness of money you'll be giving them. As ! for the phone, t moble has pretty good customer service. After 30 days you're locked in though. You can cancel your contract within 30 days of aquiring it. Make sure you talk only to a supervisor.
Find out about Sony Ericson mobile products at.
Technology moves too fast these days, phones die and become usless considering they don't have all the original features. Ie extended contract. Ok, here is the deal. When we got our fashionable phone I got the longest warrenty time allowed and I lenghty all service options so that I was completely covered. Tmobile is limited in what they can do because you didn't buy an lenghty warranty. If you want to save money with them and have them convey you a excellent deal then you have to be a continued customer thus the extended contract. T mobile is doing honest what they are legally required to do, and if they go above the epectations they should satisfy something elsewhere of it. If you don't complete that! then the MINIMUM they have to create is let you get the phone from them. I was two days over my two year warrenty and they couldn't effect anything, because I didn't get the extended feature. And having to pay bill fee is pretty good compared to having to cancel your service and reup with a different company. They are offering you their cool deal from their standpoint.
I bought the u600 and it was a hunk of junk, then I got the LG Shine and it is seriously the capital ring EVER. My friend has the Walkman Slider Ericson and he and I compared our phones, and they are a quota alike, except his feels flimsy and glossy compared to the metal-bodied LG. He also complains about several matters (audio, songs, the scrren broke several times, etc) on the other hand I obtain had my Shine for a rare months and had 0 problems! Go with the Shine! You wont regret it, I promise.

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