samsung authorized mobile phone service centres in bangalore??
Addresses, call nos. Model:C-170 (slim), addresses, call nos.
Pls can anyone tell me samsung mobile service center in or near rohini!?
My samsung phone earphone malfunctioned and its much in warranty,i wish to get it replaced.
Hey, My wifes 02 Mobile samsung phone has - Limited service - written on the screen???????
The reception symbol is ace, i have tried basic ideas ie. Turning off telephone, cleaning sim etc. I dont know if there is a setting that needs changing. Any help would be appreicated. The phone hasnt been dropped nevertheless my 1 year old was playing with it briefly.
I keep getting "limited service" on my Samsung SGH E250 mobile phone. In Site of SIM update from orange?
After SIM update phone worked for a couple of days but has now away back to "limited service.
Of the cell phones that T-Mobile offers with their service, whic! h phone has the best reception?
At our home our reception is very debilitated, yet we can walk down the road approximately 500 feet and get acceptable reception. We are on the T-Mobile family plan and have Samsung e105 flip phones. Many other people are able to use their cell phones without a problem while inside our box. We're guessing that contradistinct phones may own a better antenae or better amplifier circuits than the Samsung e105. Anybody have any thoughts.
Can I use any phone with Boost Mobile service?
Can I do that? I no longer have Embarq and I want to switch it to Boost Mobile. I have a Samsung call from Embarq (a limited ring co.
What is wrong with my samsung t mobile phone?
I honest put minutes on my phone yesterday, after having had it turned off for a couple of months, could that retain anything to do with it? I've tried to excite block on the T-Mobile site, but thanks to I can't receive anything on my phone,! it is useless. I have a Samsung t209 Red, and it is being a pain. Even when my call has full bars, it says I have no service.
Samsung Alias on T-Mobile Service? Is it possible?
If there is anything you can share with me that would be great. I am currently on a t-mobile cell call plan but I wanted to use a telephone originally from a verision plan called the "samsung alias" its the cool telephone that folds open vertically and horizontally. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could shed some lustrous on an issue I hold.
There's a problem with my Samsung T-619 phone (with T-Mobile service.?
Contract)? The one-year warranty has expired. It won't return calls and I can't bell anyone. Is there any street I can catching it in to get it constant so I won't have to get another phone (and get into another 2 yr. It's not like I'm in a bad reception sphere; it just won't take or send calls PERIOD! I took it in and got a new SIM card but it still won't work. This has been an on! going problem for diverse weeks like now.
Can you switch T-mobile service to a Sprint phone?
Ok, i have a samsung flip phone right, with the t-mobile pay as you go work. Can i continue using t-mobiles earnings as you go advantage on the sprint phone? But i requirement the LG Rumor ring and its a sprint phone. So basically i still hold to buy minutes each duration i canter elsewhere.
India@samsung. (these are the addresses i got from their website. 23496985 995 64511240 244 9902444616 Samsung Service Plaza(FSC) foothold. India@samsung. Com # 1363, II CROSS RADHAKRISHANA Road, HINDWADI Bangalore, Karnataka 2467353 9448631517 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Malik Refrigeration(ASC Multi) support. Com FATHIMA MANSION, PINTO'S LANE, KADRI KAMBLA ROAD Bangalore 2497141 4279477 9845544983 Mobile Network(ASC Multi) support. Com # 46/1,1ST CROSS, DOMLUR LAY OUT, Airport plan , BANGALORE-560071 2356105 41263! 409 9880544055 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Samsung Service Plaza(FSC) back. Here are the details. 9, 27Th Main, I Stage, I Phase, BTM Layout Ring Road, Bangalore 66595000 66595002 9900507280 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Om Customer Care(ASC Multi) support. Com # 8, WOC Road, Mahalaxmipuram Post, Near Swathi Hotal, Bangalore - 560086. Com #20,DESHPANDE LAYOUT, MADHURA ESTATE, KESHWARPUR Bangalore 2286582 9945221970 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Pai Electronics(ASC Multi) support. The function center is based on the bell base you have. India@samsung. Com Opp to St PAUL CONVENT, ROAD. India@samsung. You could go to the link I obtain given in the source and find away according to your mobile phone. ) Paan Enterprises(ASC MULTI) support. Com 29/1,II Cross, Gandhi Nagar Bangalore, Karnataka 254325 9343037633 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Vision Electronics(ASC Multi) support. India@samsung. Looks like the landline nos. Com NO: 173, GOPALAKRISHNA COMPLE! X, BALARAJ URS ROAD, NEAR MAMATHA TRAVELS Bangalore 221072 9945550383 9341118590 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Cell Solutions(ASC HHP/IT) column. India@samsung. 616/2,7th MAIN,5th CROSS, PJ EXTENSION, DAVANGERE-577002 Bangalore, Karnataka 270143 9844744422 9902300600. India@samsung. Com # 46, ANAND DESAI COMPLEX, OPP GOVT ' ITI ', GULBARGA -585103 Bangalore, Karnataka 256504 9342352727 9845978079 â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â"â" Cauvery Services(ASC Multi) block. India@samsung. India@samsung. India@samsung.
You can find service centers at the link below.
See provided you can borrow a device from someone that has the same service provider and try your SIM in their ring. You either hold a bad SIM or a defective device. If your SIM works OK in their phone then it is your phone nevertheless if your SIM does the alike apparatus in their bell then it is just the SIM and you need to replace it.
Most ce! ll phone are equally good/bad in reception. The quality of your connection really depends on whether there is a cell telephone tower near by to relay your vocable.
T-mobile indeed does not suck is probably your telephone i drudgery at t-mobile. I don't know why humans always complain that t-mobile sucks indeed is one of the top cellphone companies over here in london. Anyways go to go to the t-mobile store were u live they probably will help u. I would try to cure you on the contrary i elbow grease in a t-mobile store in london. It probably sucks over there in the us cause over here it doesn't.
For excuse, unlocked T-619s are available for around $170, but you don't must to use that model of phone unless you want to. You can buy any unlocked GSM phone, install your SIM card, and you'll be back in business. I can't hand predispose the cell phone working, but you don't need to notice a 2yr contract to get a new telephone.
T-Mobile's phones and network are GSM, which requires sim cards in order! to work. They are two completely different technologies and are not compatible with each other. Sprint's phones and network are CDMA, which doesn't use sim cards.

Mobilephones deals, but when you bring your computer back home, a copy of your mailbox is stored on your laptop, worse still the centre pin of the socket breaks, ranging greatly in terms of both price.
Thank you for saving my time and energy to providing this type of repair information. If any of your Samsung Gadgets needs any type of repairs then it's better to simply go and contact Samsung Service Centre UK.