Wher can I get instructions for the Samsung mobile phone?
The moving telephone is a camera phone.
where can i get instructions for samsung e350 mobile phone?
How do you create a contacts list book on a Samsung e250 phone?
Xmas existent = Samsung expressive phone E250 Instruction book useless unless you already know the basic - which I don't I own found how to engage in the speed numbers - to the SIM but how do you add and retrieve number from the PHONE - I am assuming the ADDD contacts to PHONE ( not SIM) is for infrequently used numbers.
I've lost the instructions to my Samsung S400i mobile phone. Can anyone help?
How much can I get for my Old Samsung D500 Mobile Phone.?
? Consider that it includes an Incar charger, the Instruction manual, and I posses downloaded around 8 or so Games onto the phone. I have recently upgraded my Mobile to a Sony Ericsson K800i, and now want to sell my decr! epit Samsung D500. Ebay was one of the places I looked. Do you think that asking £80 for my used is a bit expensive. I have looked sorrounding online and have seen that brand new some stores are even asking between £80-£120.
I am looking for an instruction booklet for samsung ce0168 mobile phone?
samsung mobile phone?
Just dial the number. Anyway i was condign wondering how you set a number into the telephone so that i dont keep to dial the number. I retain tried to go on edit and other such functions. So when im working i can dispassionate press # 5 or whatever it is and then yeh. So for example good press # and then the unit and then i have the cipher i longing to call faster. Its quite old lol but i much account it. Can u please tell me how u set a numeral into it. I just obligation it to be set into my ring. Rather then having to enter all the digits on the phone. So i dont keep to call up that number all the time. Mine is a prepaid. Lol! concern that made thought. Thanks for your help =]] xxx. And i lost the book that had all the directions for it seeing im indeed getting a new phone soon. But there isnt one where it says i can just enter it on the phone. How do u place a number into the samsung mobile. If anyone has the prepaid samsung phone. But i had the manuel and now i cant find it lol.
how do i download wallpapers from my computer to my mobile phone?
I obtain a samsung d500 i keep to save picture and proceed from mobile telephone instructions to add picture how end i do that.
I cant find the radio on my samsung sgh l760v mobile phone?
It says in instruction manual the should be a radio on my samsung sgh l760v ring but i cannot find it.
I have got a Samsung E720 mobile phone, and want to know how to send emails from it.?
I am with o2 network, and although I can analysis my Yahoo balance by going the o2 Active Page, I want to know how to dispatch an email in the same way as i send a issue. When I essay to do that, it says &qu! ot;set account information first" - but I can't find instructions in the user manual to tell me what to do!!!.
You will own to register but it is free lunch. Go to the website below, select your phone from the box on the left and then go to downloads.
Com and once there click on tech. Support to download the Manuel these are normally very small files not added than 1 or 2 Mb so it doesn't cost extremely much to download provided anything at all. The best behaviour is to energy to www.
If you get rid of the bell you posses the numbers. When you input the numbers it normally asks sim or ring. You should place all numbers on the sim card, provided your bell crashes the numbers will stay on the sim.
Failing that, If you perfer to arouse a bodily replacement manaul, Some network providers will send another create out, when you call them. If they dont look at the samsung website or Google for a PDF story of the Manual. Either go to your netw! ork provider website, some of them would have the manuals available in PDF format.
That will give you an idea of what nation are truly willing to remuneration for a used one. Look on Ebay at the ultimate minute ones for sale.
There are loads and loads of Samsung manuals on the later link, you will have to gander through all the pages - at the botttom of the page- though. You should find the guidebook for your phone there I think.
Use the usb cable and the software that came with your phone. If you need cooperation, you can email me.
Go tot he Carphone Warehouse - I bet someone there will be able to talk you through it, and proof your settings are fitting.

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