I have a Samsung Mobilephone and a Blue tooth adaptor for my computer. How do I download my own ring tone.?
how can i openmultimedia, mms & gprs on my samsung mobilephone?
Can i obtain the list of nearest office of samsung along quezon city.
what is your best mobilephone Nokia or samsung?
I need help adding mp3 tracks to my Samsung x830 mobilephone/mp3 player?
CAN ANYONE HELP?????? Everytime I use the multimedia boss to try to add tracks to the ring it says that the "operation is not possible or format not compatible with destination".
Where can I get an Samsung U600 Theme Maker?
Where can I get an Samsung U600 Theme Maker or all the more get Some new theme for my mobilephone ? TNX.
+Do u know this samsung phone please help me?
Ok here is the link its the one that is the display.
Mobilephone that can view TV programmes?
I wonder why the noted top manufacturers lik! e Nokia, Sony Ericcson, Motorola, Samsung etc dont have this tv function? Is it one China posses the notice how to encompass tv service into hand phones? (I am in Singapore, I consternation if such cell phones are available for sale in your country. I own seen a few brands of mobile phones that have tv assistance (meaning can timer tv on the cell phones' screen) but all are not famous Brands from China.
can i use other moblie phone tv-out cable for innov8?
Can i use other cellphones tv-out cable for my mobilephone samsung model innov8 and if so , what is the type and model of that cable ,which mobile tv-out cable i can appliance for innov8 , as my motile doesnot count tv cable.
Phone advice??
Can anyone announce me if it's any good!!! I've father one with PAYG for £130, with a 512mb memory card, on vodafone. The only problem is it's online and I'm not persuaded whether buying phones online is a good idea. I yen ! to invest in the Samsung G600,is it good?! I've peruse lots of reviews, some say it's abundant, others say it's lousy. If anyone can nourishment please do! This is the webpage I father.
how to edit the codes such that....?
Java popular class MobilePhone { habitual String brand; general String model; public String ringTone; typical static int getCount(){ int count=0; count++; return count; } public MobilePhone(String inBrand,String inModel, String inringTone) { //Constructor setBrand(inBrand); setModel(inModel); setringTone(inringTone); } public MobilePhone() { //Constructor setBrand(""); setModel(""); setringTone("Happy Birthday"); } public void setBrand(String inBrand){ brand = inBrand; } habitual void setModel(String inModel){ model = inModel; } public void setringTone(String inring! Tone){ ringTone = inringTone; } public String getBrand(){ if (brand == "") { transmit "null"; } else { go back brand; } } public String getModel(){ if (model == "") { return "null"; } else { send representation; } } public String getringTone(){ provided (ringTone == "") { reimburse "null"; } else { come back ringTone; } } } // Pract5App2. // MobilePhone. GetringTone()); System. Println("ringTone = "+mobilephone. GetBrand()); System. SetBrand("Nokia"); mobilephone1. Println("\n"); System. GetCount()); } public static void main(String args[]){ MobilePhone mobilephone1 = n! ew MobilePhone(); mobilephone1. Println("brand = "+mobilephone. Java public crowd Pract5App2 { popular static void viewDetails(MobilePhone mobilephone){ System. GetModel()); System. SetModel(""); mobilephone1. Where you will get 'The character of mobilephone is = 4". Println("model = "+mobilephone. Println("The number of mobilephone is = "+mobilephone. But i demand only 1 statement to break through at the last part. SetringTone(""); MobilePhone mobilephone2 = new MobilePhone("Sony Ericcson","X800i","MRT close door"); MobilePhone mobilephone3 = contemporary MobilePhone("Samsung","E900",""); MobilePhone mobilephone4 = new MobilePhone("","","Happy Birthday"); viewDetails(mobilephone1); viewDetails(mobilephone2); viewDetails(mobilephone3); viewDetails(mobilephone4); } } i want to print the number of mobilephones out which! are available in the program that is 4 but when i ran the programme, the line statement 'The digit of mobilephone is = 1" for every single mobilephone.
Com, airmp3. Net pick ur song then download it on to your adapter and send it to your phone via bluetooth hope this helps mate. If u r talking about how to download songs hardihood to seekasong. Net, mp3000.
Actually its not the botheration of samsung. What network carrier are you? then provided you are smart *888, bell canny to activate the gprs(automatically activate mms) and then if globe call their hotline too.
Nokia is common and the most selling phone worldwide which means you can easily treasure customer anguish service and further most enhancement products are compatible.
You will keep to conceive sure the files are mp3 and not wma and if it still doesnt work click on my personal computer and select detachable disc e and you should be able to drag and drop songs into there hope this! helps.
Get the equivalent theams from www. Mobiledownloads4u.
Look into a device called Slingbox from Slingmedia. As fit as Smart phones offered by a lot of exceeding manufactures. I use Slingbox on my telephone and never miss another Football sport ! It forwards all your home TV down your eminent speed internet service to where ever you gratify Internet access. That TV function is not what you are hoping it to be, expressly as TV signals go digital at least in North America that Wont be a functional function on those Chinese phones. It will work on your N95 or N96 Nokia phones.
No i don't think 'any' cord will work with your phone - activity to a samsung sales & assistance center and buy a cable for your phone from there.
Me & my hubby posses this telephone & we think its big!!! £130 doesnt sound bad at all, we payed nearly £200 each. I envision you can get some certain bargins by buying online. Have you looked on ebay.
GetModel()); System. GetBrand()); System. Println("The nu! mber of mobilephone is = "+ MobilePhone. Println("\n"); } } i fancy you can apprehend what i did Wish this Helps Kaushalya Damitha. SetBrand("Nokia"); mobilephone1. /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. GetringTone()); System. Java popular collection Main { public static void main(String args[]){ MobilePhone mobilephone1 = au courant MobilePhone(); mobilephone1. SetringTone(""); MobilePhone mobilephone2 = new MobilePhone("Sony Ericcson","X800i","MRT fast door"); MobilePhone mobilephone3 = current MobilePhone("Samsung","E900",""); MobilePhone mobilephone4 = new MobilePhone("","","Happy Birthday"); viewDetails(mobilephone1); viewDetails(mobilephone2); viewDetails(mobilephone3); viewDetails(mobilephone4); System. Println("ringTone = "+mobileph! one. GetCount()); } public static void viewDetails(MobilePhone mobilephone){ System. Println("brand = "+mobilephone. */ /** * * @author Kaushalya Damitha */ //MobilePhone. SetModel(""); mobilephone1. Java public class MobilePhone { public String brand; public String model; popular String ringTone; public static int Count; public MobilePhone(String inBrand,String inModel, String inringTone) { //Constructor setBrand(inBrand); setModel(inModel); setringTone(inringTone); Count++; } public MobilePhone() { //Constructor setBrand(""); setModel(""); setringTone("Happy Birthday"); } public static int GetCount(){ return Count+1; } public void setBrand(String inBrand){ brand = inBrand; } public void setModel(String inModel){ model = inModel; } public void setringTone(String inringTone){ ringTone = inringTone; } typical String getBrand(){ provided (brand == "") { reinstate "null"; } else { transmit bra! nd; } } public String getModel(){ if (model == "") { transmit "null"; } else { return model; } } common String getringTone(){ provided (ringTone == "") { reimburse "null"; } else { return ringTone; } } } //Main. Println("model = "+mobilephone.

Cable for last mile broadband access and we all want to be mobile with our computers or support audio video conferencing, if you only want to access your e-mail, samsung cellular telephone.
well users like that are very common now a days and every one is trying to do their works on their mobile sets and mobile companies featuring their product like that Rivo Mobile is also doing work on that features and we have cell phones like that users should try Rivo Mobile once and they will get that what they want for their work