Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Samsung m 300 cell phone

how do you activate samsung sph 300 cell phone..? there are no instructions on how to activate phone. help?

Recieved cell for christmas and anxiously wish it activated.

Who can tell me : Does the SAMSUNG SPH-i 300 cell phone has a cam or not?


Can you recommend me an interesting cell phone?

I want to pay for a cell ring which genuine few tribe have, it should not be a normal priced phone nothing like luxury. Etc, something approximately 300 - 400 USD will be ok. I want it to get attention of people, an unknown dewy brand maybesomething authentic or fertile, a crack keypad is a plus, able-bodied durable materials is also a plus. Dont reommend mainstream coextensive Nokia, Sony Erricson, Samsung, Motorola phones.

how do I get files from my pc (desktop computer) to my mobile phone (cell phone) with Bluetooth?

Can someone help me!!! please '. I aware in Canada and my bell is the Samsung m-300 with function provider Virgin! Mobile Canada and i retain access to Bluetooth.

How do I disable Javascript on my cell?

It's a 300 correspondence text and I spent allotment 'typing' it, help? there were no games or internet running. My samsung cell call is not allowing me to packages a text sign it says "Can not appropriateness this provisions when java operate is running" how do I mail it? I really don't get it.

Transfering pictures from cell phone to computer through USB?

I have a samsung m 300 and i just bought this usb cord so i could transfer pics from my phone to my new laptop, (i own windows vista), now how th hell effect i get my pics from telephone to my pc.

Cell Phone Needed: These are my priorities?

Can someone suggest a package? I've been with Sprint PCS since 1999 and currently hold a Samsung 4920, which has acceptable reception, a weak remote earpiece, decided battery activity, 300 call book entries (but no way to ! dispose info in or out apart from keying -- the programs I've already bought don't work), and a rugged design. I'd like a new cell phone that can hold a large phone notebook (300+) and ideally can interface with Outlook. With 500 anytime minutes and unlimited after 7, and rollover, I'd be happy. Note: I don't exigency or want a camera, don't itch texting, don't longing lots of bells and whistles -- ethical rugged functionality for about $50 a month. It is getting elderly (3 years) and I bad news about reliability, plus I'd compatible to be able to back up the phone book. Further, I necessity long battery life, both 110v and car chargers, and all-US network coverage without out-of-area utility charges.


My upgrade eligibility is in February but ya understand the HTC FUZE touch screen phone looks AMAZING. I'm 18, am I crazy to buy this telephone? It looks extraordinary that I wish to go buy it tomorrow nevertheless to pay $500. I'm not sure Help me ! gone!! Now I'm not sure - Which one: HTC FUZE OR THE ETERNITY?!? I'm liking the fuze's keyboard. However, the bell costs $500, provided I wait til February and send in the rebat it still costs $300. Alright so at the moment I obtain the Samsung A737 slid phone - I amorousness it. The only being I don't de facto do is download songs from itunes or anything onto the phone. For me a bell $300 seems a little ridiculous. But I've been reading reviews saying its besides crowded - And for girls that know I'm one that wears tips so that doesn't sound good with the keyboard. Is this phone really worth it? I topic all the time, I make phone calls, I end the internet, I take pictures.

any one have a phone from samsung?

I really want to get a the samsung A720.

I'm looking for a new cell-phone to buy, but which one?

Right now, I have a Motorola SLVR L7, in the color pink. I DON'T want the manufacturer to be! Samsung, Nokia, or Palm. It should have Bluetooth and speaker-phone. 00 and I've had it for about two and a half dotage. I love to listen to orchestration, so it has to hold lots of storage and files. It also has iTunes, so I can listen to my harmonization when I go out. It needs to have colors, not even-handed silver, black, or white. The camera has to take very good pictures, and I hate disgusting lighting. I'm thinking that the max. It's a pretty agreeable call and holds lots of my pictures and videos. I consider it was encircling $200. ? I'm hoping that the company is in either AT&T or T-Mobile, and a ring that can receipts pictures, and enter videos. It has pretty all the more everything that I requirement, however I'm looking for a new one, through this one is all scratched up. I'm kind of clumsy, so I want the bell to be durable and strong, but not also big of a ring that it can't fit into my pocket. Price should be $300.

Samsung phones suck, dont get a samsung call.

Blackberry, my ! love! Many noted person use it, but I don't assume it is used widely.

You should posses a bluetooth dong attached to ur comp u can get that in any store,then u can send files.

Shut down the other pgorams. Such as a game? java is used for running applications such as games or internet browsers. Java is not javascript. Do you have any other programs running.

Rollover really isnt that far-reaching unless youre one of those people that go over your minutes occasionally. Losing all your contacts sucks, remarkably when you have to put them all back in manually. GSM carriers like cingular and t-mobile normally overture the choice to store your contacts on the SIM, which sprint and verizon dont applicability. If bells and whistles are cameras and mp3 players, those are starting to be pretty standard pdq. Its also got a micro sd slot so the contacts should be syncable to and from computers, and you should be able to take them with you from then on. The one sh! ot berth that i know of that offers rollover is Cingular. I suggest you get a Smart Phone or a blackberry. It sounds allying youre contradicting yourself because youre saying you want outlook, but no bells and whistles. The phone im giving you a link to specifically states that it has outlook. T animated has the most homogenous plans to Sprint.

I know the full retail is approximately $500 and yeah thats beauteous normal for that particular type phone, the Tilt started at that when it fundamental came out. Yep its worth it. BTW you can and insure the call!!! So if its disappeared, stolen or broken outside the warranty your not out the $$$ I do want to end gone on your in fashion phone the unlimited media enmesh is only $15 with the Fuze it will potency up to $30 on account of its a PDA and uses a PDA plan. After refund I posses seen it for $200 and that was a $100 repayment so thats in truth not to poor for the phone at all. I hold a Tilt and my upgrade is in Feb I WILL be getting the Fuze, a friend got one extreme week and I got to pl! ay with it. Also prices may silver between now and your upgrade generation. I crash HTC phones they are cool to use, take some getting used to though! I consider you need to twin check on the pricing. I engage in the same as you and accomplish not use music on my ring, repeatedly besides.

I absolutely love it! For the 'basic' Samsung model, this telephone is reliable, convenient, and packed with bull features. I have the Samsung A640. I'm very impressed with Samsung and would recommend buying a Samsung telephone based on my acquaintance. If you're looking to accessorize, ebay has tons of accessories for all sorts of Samsung models. Definitely a pleasure to use. Sound quality for ringer, ringtones, keypad, and phone calls is also distinguished. This phone is stylish and easy to operate. The battery life on the A640 is excellent. I bought my charger and girdle clip at a fraction of the payment a retailer would charge.

All my music is on the! re. Mine is pink. Just cause sure u get the lenghty warranty and a favorable case (come in lots of colors. About dropping it. I unquestionably ardency mine.

Mobilephones deals, the tablet pc may be considered the pen, hence is not a constraint companies like acer and implementations in general transport, or others have very poor battery life.

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