I have a Samsung D 900 mobile phone ive downloaded the sbu driver soft ware that i got with the phone?
When i plug the phone and my computer together the computer tells me they are both connected but then the computer tells me that my phone doesn't have any photos in my phone when my telephone is unabridged of picture's i simply don't understand and im au courant to compters can you help.
How to find lost / forgotten password for samsung d900i mobile phone?
My phone wont open any features as there is a password that I dont knowI tried 00000000 on the contrary no elation. My nephew added this feature and he cant brood over the passwordD'oh.
How can i unlock my samsung f210 mobile phone its locked on orange, i would like to use it with an 02 SIM?
I have google'd on the contrary not sure which sites to expectation or the best option. Can it be done by inputting a code in to the bell.
Information about the Sa! msung Soul mobile phone?
I am looking into purchasing a new phone, and i like the look of the samsung soul U900. Does anyone hold this call, and would recomemend it. Whats ace approximately it or is it a waste of money? Please share your opinions :D.
Viewing MP4 Videos uploaded from my D-900 Samsung--how?
When I essay to play the videos on Windows Media Player or any other program that would play videos, I satisfy an wrong communication, "Unable" What programme must I download in order to view the videos?? Please, provided you allow an answer, please provide detailed and step-by-step directions on how I can simply view a video from my phone. I have MP4 videos uploaded to my computer from my D-900 Samsung mobile telephone. Thanks in advance for your time and effort in helping me gone! :) Sean in UK.
I have a Samsung E370 mobile phone, I want to unlock it for use on all networks, any help?
As I said, I have the Samsung E370 mov! ing ring, I need to unlock it for advantage on ALL networks, it's currently 'locked' to Orange, promptly I'd be express elated if you could bestow me either with a link to download free unlocking software for use with this phone without a USB cable, or a code that will work to unlock this example of mobile ring, also any links to sites that may provide this information would be appropriate much appreciated.
I have a samsung E-370 mobile phone ,can anyone tell me how to use the caller i.d on it.?
I take a photo then go onto caller id and it says nothing please can anyone help.
Which mobile phone is better. The Nokia N95 8gb or the Sony Ericsson W890i or the Samsung Tocco? :D :D :X?
How do I move music onto my mobile phone?
Can anyone tell me how to predispose harmonization onto my MP3 Player??!? If you could send this I'd be de facto appreciative. It came with bluetooth and an MP3 Player. My mum & dad bought me a Samsung X680 mobile phone for school.
Samsung mobi! le phone question?
I put one picture onto it, and it worked, but whenever I put songs ((from CDs) on there they just make a crackling noise, Anyone know why and how I can solve the complication? This sounds sorta weird, but mine were wma format but they were mp3s on my call, how accomplish I convert them on my conmputer? I finally worked absent how to install the PC studio concern, and I'd conforming to know, how do I put songs on there, tht'lll actually play. Hey guys! Well nowadays.
I use bluetooth to transfer my pics. Is there a memory card in your phone. Sometimes it depends on what your pics have been saved in telephone dead-eye or card mindfulness.
You don't. They don't call them security features for no ground. The only way to get around it is to either send it back to the manufacturer or take it to a repair shop and hold the software flashed and it will be reloaded with the software and it will be wiped of everything alike a! brand different device.
Go to a little store like in the mart not a enormous named shop approximating orange or o2. You demand to take it to a phone shop,they charge £5 to £10 to close it for you,it would be worth it as if you do it yourself and get it fluffed it would be the bill of a new ring.
It's a cracking hasty bell, a 5 megapixel camera, sounds by B&O - and looks to boot! Take a look at one in the flesh before you shop for though, decent to cause sure! Good luck! Kx.
Dload it from the link below. The best part is it doesn't cause any of the windows media player codecs. Download vlc player. It plays nearly any type of video. It has its own codecs for all the formats.
Should not cost another than that. Cheapest alternative is to take it to an unlocking shop who should do it for a tenner. You wont be able to unlock it onlne. And be it that orange is the original network, only they will have the unlock regulation, they unlock code is one to the imei of your phone. However, stipend orange £20 over th! e phone or provided its payg ring put 20 as credit, they will email you the code within 24hour.
I disposition to find absent! ;-. To find the photos you retain took you must go onto IMAGE AND THEN PHOTOS.
N95 8giga is more fitting!!!;-.
Lucky potency to amazon and look at the reviews for the bell. Some should say about the mp3 players the rhythm on it.
Is it in mp3 format?¿ thats the solitary system i could get mine 2 work.

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