I need a pin # for a Samsung cell phone to enter additional area codes in my FDN list.?
I hold a Samsung cell phone via a corporate statement the limits my dialing world codes. In the cell phones superscription book the two universe codes permitted are listed under the heading FDN case. When I attempt to add another code it prompts me with the following:enter pin2.
How do I download pictures from my cell phone (samsung sph-a640) without using the internet?
I retain tried to download driver files from Samsung. (I downloaded a agnate phone's file on the contrary it treats my phone as a modem and tries to go to a password protected website. Com however they don't dossier my cell phone.
Is there a way to use my Palm TX to dial and/or talk on my Samsung cell phone?
I'd further cognate to know how to packages files like pictures and melody. Palm hasn't updated its data of supported phones since 2005, and the generic driver! (that comes with the Phone Link update) doesn't drudgery. I have a Palm TX and a Samsung Flipshot.
What is a list price on at & t cell phones?
anyone know how to take someone off there cell phones block list?
I keep a samsung Katalyst i accidently added someone to my block document and i need to booty them off if anyone knows how to do this please help me.
How do you sync a Samsung u540 cell phone with a computer using a USB cable?
I've tried BitPim (a program used for cell phone synching), but it doesn't support the u540. This bell is listed on websites as data cable capable, but how are you supposed to use the counsel cable provided you can't get to the data inside? I'm trying to dispose some pictures off my ring and onto my computer.
How can i add my video clips from my pc to my samsung instinct cell phone?
I am able to email the video to my ring and save as attachment, however it doe! s not show up in my tv/video list can you tell me what format the video should be saved as, and what the best way to save and glimpse it on the cell would be? i cant seem to bias it to grindstone, i did get the photos and music to work perfect. It keeps telling me that i need to install quicktime on my pc, when i bid and upload a video to my samsung instinct cell phone. I destination quicktime so i dont appetite to install it thanks to of how annoying it is in the tray.
Does anyone know how to retrieve a contact list off of a broken cell phone... it is the samsung R500 series...
Any suggestions anyone might have would be great. Thanks again.
Ringtones for Verizon Cell Phone (Samsung SCH-u340)?
On their website where you can purchase ringtones for your telephone, there is a drop-down refreshment of the phone models that can appropriate ringtones. I obtain a Verizon Wireless ring. Now I have a ring BACK tone, however my phone model (Samsung SCH-u340) is not on their list of phones compatible with the ringtones. Is t! here some other area I would go to get a ringtone for my phone, or am I shit outta luck.
What does the block list on a cell phone actually block?
So what does this feature de facto block? I keep a Samsung Beat from T-Mobile, and it has a feature called the block dossier. I added someone's phone number, and five minutes succeeding they were still able to call me. I figured it meant that if I add a phone symbol there, then that person won't be able to phone me.
But if there was never a different pin established it would be the behind 4 of your telephone number. Your company's IT guy will have to enter the pin.
Hi Josh, I am afraid you can't do it. I haven't been able to modernize the drivers and I was unable to treasure any benefit on the Internet.
99 for a refurb telephone, it only has a 90 date warranty on it and MUST be ordered online.
Go to their name in telephone album and grip options and it will be there! .
You need software which will be availabe from samsung aim.
Pretty simple, just descry the fans website below.
Even if the screen is messed up and you lingo see the contacts, if theirs any life in it you hold a chance. Some stores do this procedure for for love on the contrary some may charge a emolument, but its bill it. Also for budgeted reference most companies proposition contact backup for a small bill and anytime you need to reload your contacts onto a bell their on your online balance. Good luck! aspiration i helped. Even if the ring is broken, if you can turn it on and its not completely dead you can energy into a cell phone store and they hold machines that can transfer your contacts to a differential phone.
Com i do beacause it is free and provided u can matter then u get it right away! GGOOODDD LUCKKK. Hello i recomend: myxertones.
Theres a chance it is your ring character life blocked from them.

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