How can i unlock my samsung f210 mobile phone its locked on orange, i would like to use it with an 02 SIM?
I have google'd but not sure which sites to assurance or the best option. Can it be done by inputting a code in to the phone.
Samsung F210 mobile phone?
I obtain and hate the way the MP3 player comes up when you close the phone. Is there a way to stop this current? So when i hurried my phone it just has my screen? Does anyone have one of these phones.
can anyone let me know if you've had any problems with your samsung f210 mobile phone please !?
do you own a samsung f210 ?
Hello just got a samsung f210 moving phone on contract personally the call is no good for me due to the ringtones not being that loud even though on loudest setting & the stupid message tones !(unlike my sony ericsson) i would be curious to hear what other f210 owners think of this phone & how you get on with it bounteous thank! s for your replies.
I want to unlock my samsung F210!!!?
I tried a website for codes nevertheless they said my phone wasn't available on there. Anyone know any decent, cheap QUICK sure websites for me to look at please :D thnks xxxx. I want to unlock my samsung f210 motile phone (in the uk) from the orange network to vodafone as i have a contract sim. I have looked for other websites as i dont want to gratify it done from a shop however they either havn't got my phone or are drastically pricey.
How to upload music on samsung mobile phone??
Ive got a samsung F210.
Samsung mobile phone battery chargers?
Will the charger for the x830 fit the f210.
what do u think [mobile phones]? [pics included]?
Heyyah! heres some phones , i was wondering if you could rate them gone of 10 and deed a comment, or an eye, u no what i stingy firstly the nokia 7500 prism vv.
Samsung F210...?
I'm trying to c! hoose what mobile to get lol. Thanks in advance! Link for it below. Has anyone got or had or understand anyone that has this mobile? And is it a good telephone to keep, like for texting, music, camera and accepted.
mobile/cell phones? [pic included]?
Heyyah! heres some phones , i was wondering if you could rate them away of 10 and give a comment, or an opinion, u no what i beggarly firstly the nokia 7500 prism vv.
You need to catching it to a phone shop,they charge £5 to £10 to do it for you,it would be worth it as provided you complete it yourself and get it wrong it would be the worth of a dewy phone. Go to a little store approximating in the mart not a big named shop like orange or o2.
So there is no way to change this. My daughter has it and samsung told us that when its closed its an mp3 player and a ring when open.
It tends to discontinuity a lot.
My daugter uses an mp3 as a ringtone and its loudi can hear it downstairs.
I was wondering the equivalent thing tooif nebody know's how! to please reply asap. Did u install the samsung pc studio thingif u find away plz let me know.
No it will not bullwork!!!.
The 7500's lightweight as well. Com by the behaviour. You can read reviews for these phones on gsmarena. And the 7500 takes the p when you're trying to content! The triangular keys annoyed me when I tried to text and the battery life was kinda crap as right. EDIT I have seen some lads with the Prism environing here though. The w580i's nice, I liked that call. I don't know much about the f210 but I'd suggest you go for the w580i. Looks sick however rapid up it's kinda tacky. As it's got the fitness counter thing on it as well so admirable provided you wanna deposit fit and that unlike me lol. EDIT the f210 looks kinda girly to me, I bethink my cousin sister saying she wanted to get one. Ah I had the 7500 and the w580i, honest sold them lol The 7500 looked proper sick on the contrary I was kinda disappo! inted when I got it, it's a bit cheapy and tacky looking for me, I wasn't too impressed with the prism design thingy really. Stylish! Haven't had the f210. I don't know, up to you. Cousin's got the w880i, it's becoming and slim and lightweight on the other hand it's kinda old now.
Hey there, provided you want a tiny phone that you can literally slip in your pocket then it's colossal, it's got a inadequate screen on the contrary it looks enormous and the camera isn't too wick! Try it out in a shop first though to beget sure you agnate it! Take care, Kx.
1st- erm 6 ?? 2nd- 10 :) 3rd - link didnt work :( 4th- 9.

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